During the Rotary Year 2019-20, Rotary Bangalore Rajmahal Vilas, RID. 3190, under PP Rtn. Sanjay Krishna, through its project ‘Connect to Conserve’, took up the rejuvenation of 19 acres 39 guntas (8.08 HA) lake situated in the Arkavathy River catchment area in Koira Village near Bengaluru, with the object of increasing the existing water storing capacity from 1,15,296 cubic meters to a minimum of 1,71,579 cubic meters.

Under the supervision of members of the Club Committee and the Rotary Community Corps (RCC) RMV- Arkavathy, chartered by the club, the work of rejuvenation commenced.

Initially, the feeder channels of the lake, which was almost dry, was excavated followed by the formation of boundary bunds and removal of silt. By June 2020, a third of the de-silting work was done and was ready to receive the rains, with a completed expenditure of about 15 lakhs.

Subsequently, this work not only allowed the lake to receive more water but also to retain the same due to increased holding capacity. It has helped villagers to grow crops with high water requirements such as paddy, and feed their cattle in addition to rejuvenating their wells with groundwater. It has also allowed enriching the biodiversity of the surrounding area attracting more fauna. The club has also participated in helping in the afforestation of areas around the lake. This project aims to be completed by the year 2022.


Start year: 2019-20
Amount spent: Rs. 15 Lakhs
Completion year: 2022

Total area: 19 acres 39 guntas (8.08HA)
Storage capacity before: 115296 m³
Storage capacity after: 171579 m³

